Education and Qualifications
Our aim is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum at KS2, KS3 and KS4 delivering the majority of national curriculum subjects and following national curriculum programmes of study.
Following national curriculum programmes of study allows us to build sequentially and equip pupils with the skills and knowledge required at KS4 to study nationally recognised qualifications.
Staff plan every lesson carefully to ensure it meets the needs of all pupils. All pupils have access to a continuum of bespoke support dependent on need. The school offers in-class support and also a broad range of targeted work delivered by either the school’s pastoral team, Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) or professionals from the school’s well-being hub which includes;
- Educational Psychologists
- SaLT
- Occupational Therapists
- Art/Play Therapists
At KS2 pupils follow the full national curriculum. Reading is prioritised and the school uses Rising Stars Rocket Phonics. Pupils, where necessary, receive targeted support to make progress against areas identified on their EHCP.
Pupils study Maths, English, Science, PSHE/RSE, Humanities, Art, Food Technology and P.E. The majority of pupils do not study a Modern Foreign Language or Music as priority is given to core subjects and personal development.
Pupils are able to study combinations of the following subjects/qualifications. •
- Maths GCSE, Functional Skills (Entry Level to L2)
- English GCSE, Functional Skills (Entry Level to L2)
- Science GCSE Double Award, Single Award GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Entry Level Certificate
- Citizenship GCSE
- Art & Design GCSE
- Food Technology GCSE or BTEC (Level 1, Level 2)
- ICT Functional Skills (Entry Level to L2)
- History GCSE
- Geography GCSE or BTEC Travel and Tourism
- Vocational Studies BTEC (Entry Level to Level 2)
In addition, pupils may access vocational courses through a local college and gain a BTEC level 1 or level 2 or entry level certificate.
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The school is registered to have pupils beyond the age of KS4 but this is for pupils returning education after significant periods out of school to complete GCSE or BTEC qualifications alongside year 11 pupils. The vast majority of year 11 pupils successfully transfer to FE, apprenticeships or other local providers.